New In-Room service features to reduce manpower

Over the pass few months, we've added several new features to CEPO Hotel App to help hotels automate in-room services workflow.

Hotels face one of the highest manpower turnover across different industries due to its stressful work environment. Reduced manpower, increased wages and rising guest demands are the most critical challenges every hotelier faces. Golden News' CEPO Hotel App aims to solve the manpower problem by introducing In-Room Service features.

A normal workflow for a in-room service ordering involves:

  1. Guest calls an operator or a front desk staff to order an in-room service (e.g. asking for a towel, a bottom of water, etc.)
  2. Operators write down the jobs and pass them to the department responsible (e.g. housekeeping, engineering).
  3. Responsible department receives the jobs and completes it.

Challenges exist across different steps of the process:

  1. Jobs get lost -- Since a job can be passed down to two or even more people reaching to the person who actually do the task. Without an active task tracking system, jobs can get lost or be mistaken. No one knows a job got lost until a guest calls again and complains about it.
  2. Misheard the task -- Being an international city, hotel guests speak many different languages. Oftentimes, miscommunication happens due to language barrier, cultural differences or poor sound quality through the hotel phone.
  3. Lack of analytics -- Without a system tracking and managing the tasks, business analytics on hotel services are based mostly on staffs' or guests' feedback, which can be biased and subjective.

All the above problems can greatly affect guest experience and at the same time casting a huge work load to different departments of the hotels.

Many tasks, however, can be and should be automated for efficiency and better guest experience.

In-Room service ordering through Hotel App

Through our CEPO Hotel App, Guests can order in-room services with a click of a button.

Guests can browse a list of available services and select the ones they need. There're also quick access buttons for services that are commonly requested. All they need is click it and the job gets sent to the responsible department/staff.

Manage and execute tasks through Hotel Operator App

On the hotel side, everything can be managed on one single app, the CEPO Hotel Operator App. Hotel can view and keep track of new jobs on the phones, tablets or the PC.

They get notified whenever a new job is requested and they can track the status of the task.

If you like to request a demo, feel free to contact us and say I want a demo for CEPO mobile app.

What's next

We're excited to invest in more in-room service features, so hotels can reduce manpower need while enhancing guests' experience without investing a great deal on a housekeeping system. We are rolling features for facility booking so guests can perform reservation through their phones and hotel can manage their booking digitally.

As always, please let us know if you have any questions or feedback -- we'd love to hear from you.

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